Sunday, January 31, 2010

It's been quite a weekend...

Well, the day and hour is approaching.  Many of the items I listed are already working themselves out.  There is only one day I am scheduled to work that isn't being covered so far by another nurse.  Another option for getting to Ft Lauderdale has presented itself as well.  Just the fun shots remain! Many phone calls to be made tomorrow:

-The Employee Health Nurse may be able to help with some of the vaccinations that are need. I learned that today!;

-Call Dave at MAF tomorrow;

-Call the local papers to see how to submit a column;

-Call the Hospital's Foundation and speak to one of the director's about what they are thinking of doing to help;

-Speak to the doctor and see what we need and can bring;


I am so excited about going!  Still lots of preparations, but it's coming together nicely!


Friday, January 29, 2010

I Am Amazed!

Wow, the trip is back on! And instead of being six months later, it is now over a week sooner! Yikes! Lots to do! I am excited and nervous, of course. The team is from an organization called Faith Care who was scheduled to go a week prior to our team. There needs to be much coordination in 11 days:

-Find air transport to/from Ft. Lauderdale,FL. We depart February 11th or 12th, and return February 20th. I have a couple flight vouchers for when we were bumped from a flight returning from Phoenix a few weeks ago that would cover it. The other option is Mission Aviation Fellowship, which is located here in Nampa, may be able to get me to Florida, but only if they are already going there. Dave Fyock, a director with MAF wants me to call him on Monday to discuss this option.

-Get time off work. I had already canceled my time off request for the following week that we were slated to go. The hospital is more than willing to work with me to cover the six shifts that I am already scheduled to work. I should know by Monday, February 1st.

-Get my travel shots. The CDC has just published a new list for Aide Workers going to Haiti. Of course, they aren't covered under my insurance, so I will have to come up with another $200 to pay for that. I have faith that it will all work out. People have been very generous so far!

I was very encouraged recently by many people that want to help:

-One of the Pediatricians that practices at Saltzer told me his young sons were glad that my trip was delayed so they could save up to help support me. Now that I'm going even sooner, they may not save a lot, but their heart to help was moving.

-My employer, Mercy Medical Center, has been extremely helpful in offering help in many forms.

-From my per diem job with MedNow Home Infusion: the last few patients that have finished with their therapy have donated their unused medical supplies.


Just a few thoughts I would like to share with my readers:

When I stop to think how my life turned out the way it has, and how things seem to just fall into place, I feel more than lucky. I feel blessed. I also feel like I'm getting away with something because I in no way deserve anything I get. Actually, the entire concept of "deserving" anything in this life is such a strange concept. If it were true, you would be forced to draw the line somewhere between what you deserve and the idea that sometimes, bad things happen.

Did I deserve such a great family? Could I have chosen them? Or was it random? Did those people in Haiti that have lost so much deserve it? Did the ones that escaped injury or death deserve to have lived? Don't get me wrong, I think I deserve a speeding ticket for driving over the posted limit. I deserve to be mistrusted if I cheat. But those are things that I choose to do, and that is a consequence. There are good consequences and bad ones, to be sure.

I would like to offer up some thoughts that make me scratch my head in wonder:

-I have wanted to go on medical missions since graduating from Boise State Nursing in May 2007.

-I have had a heart for the people of Haiti after meeting many and seeing them in dire circumstances while I was serving in the US Coast Guard.

-I asked my dad to let me know when and if he was going back to Haiti after his trip last year. I reminded him in December, he called me a week later and said there was a trip in February.

-I applied and received my Passport in less than three weeks, and I didn't have it "expedited".

-After my trip was canceled last week, and after becoming resigned to the fact of not going for up to six months, I got a phone call yesterday with this opportunity. I had no luck trying to sign on with another relief organization.

In other words, I feel that I was meant to go. I would still love to serve side by side with my dad in the future. In fact it was he who helped this opportunity happen. I hope to come back from Haiti changed, I don't think I'll have a choice.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings. I will keep you all updated as new developments happen. Please keep me and the team from Faith Care in your thoughts and prayers!

-Your friend,

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Huge Hole in my Heart

I just got this e-mail, so I thought I would pass it on to you, my faithful readers:


Hello Haiti team members and friends,

I spoke with David Yetter yesterday. He has been in contact with Pastor Withny over the last week, and we have determined that our four teams should hold off until we can be of the best benefit to the people of Haiti. There are many reasons for this.

* The airport is closed to commercial flights until at least the 29th. After that there is no guarantee flights will be allowed in.
* Santo Domingo border crossings into Haiti are closed due to traffic overload. No timeline for them to reopen.
* It currently takes over 3 hours to get just a few miles inside Port au Prince due to congestion and traffic.
* The Government is asking that no mission teams be deployed to Port au Prince at this time.
* There is no electricity, fuel, water, or restrooms to accommodate teams.
* Over a half million people have already fled the city into the surrounding countryside or to their hometowns.
* Another half million are being evacuated to tent cities on the outskirts of Port au Prince in the coming week or two.
* All government and non-governmental agencies are asking that only trained relief and trauma teams be sent in the coming weeks.

Pastor Withny is trying to get back to Haiti this coming week where his first priority is to find and relocate the families of the pastors he knows who died in the quake. He will also be coordinating relief funds sent through Converge NE to meet the most pressing needs. Although he did not say this, the obligation to accommodate 65 people for the entire month of February would severely limit his ability to move around where he is most needed.

Our plan at this time is to postpone the teams until Withny has a better idea where our help is most beneficial. It is clear that the town of Maissade, where all of our efforts have been in the past, is going to be severely impacted in many ways.

* Floods of people will be returning to the town which is already unable to provide for the current population.
* Most families were reliant on the income from family members living and working in Port au Prince.
* Many will be suffering the loss of close friends and relatives.
* Basic food supplies will be in short supply and the price will likely skyrocket.
* There will certainly be more need at the feeding center that is now feeding over 100 kids a day.
* There will likely be more orphaned or abandoned street kids, so the Boaz Home is still an important project to complete.

Our goal would be that our teams can regroup for a project to deploy within 6 months or so. We are still completely open to go wherever and whenever God leads. I am sure you feel a huge hole in your heart, as I do. My instinct is to say “let’s just go and do something!” The Southern Baptist mission group is reporting that two church mission groups have already become “victims” in Port au Prince because of the lack of food, water and transportation. They are now confined in the airport until they can get a flight out.

We want to be thoughtful and faithful in our use of our time, energy, and the sacrificial giving of those who have donated toward our trip. So, here is my last bullet point list. I want to make sure everyone knows a few facts about our project and the funds that have been given

* Money donated specifically to sponsor a team member is secure for a future trip.
* Amy is working with American Airlines to get all of the airfare credited, or at least the majority of it.
* The land for the Boaz Home is purchased and paid for.
* Money for construction of the home has been sent and is set aside in a fund for that purpose.
* Any undesignated funds given above the team costs will go immediately where most needed for relief.
* Donations made specifically for relief efforts are already being sent through Converge NE for immediate relief.

I have asked David if he can try to get fairly regular updates from Pastor Withny so we can pass those on to you. It is important to know that God is using us in Haiti, even while we are not there. We will be watching and praying for God’s guidance, and I still look forward to serving with each of you as we move forward.

God Bless!


Well, Jeff is right. There IS a huge hole in my heart, even though I KNOW in my head that this is the right thing for right now, it still doesn't make it easier. I will still try, as a medical professional, to get there with another organized team, with possibly a return trip with Converge PacWest, when they are ready.

For all of you that donated money, like Jeff said, it WILL be put to good use. And thank you again for all your encouragement!

Signing off with a heavy heart,

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Hourglass Effect

No, not my waistline. It goes something like this:


I spoke to our mission coordinator, Amy, last night for a long time. Since our group does have an established presence on the ground, we still have a chance. We don't want to be a burden on the food supplies and other resources. Also, I am the only one with medical training. The people and supplies that are gumming things up down there have no plan. We don't want to contribute to the problem.

See the attached link for a story on what happens when good intentions jam up the bottle neck even more.

Now that the seaport is open, albeit at a limited capacity, aide should be able to flow more freely, opening up the Airport in Port-au-Prince. American Airlines is hoping to restart their regular five times daily flights soon, hopefully back to full capacity by February 14 latest. We are due to fly out February 18th from San Francisco.

All the money we have been raising will be put to good use. I do hope to be able to report on the many ways it is being used live and in person. Another check was received yesterday from a coworker from my second job. I opened at least three more e-mails from people that want to donate money and medical supplies. Please keep it coming!

A couple of last items: One, I am so touched by the people that have written heart-felt responses to this blog via e-mail and on my facebook page. Thank you, that means just as much as, if not more than, donations. Related: Thanks for those who have reposted links to this blog on their facebook page and on twitter!

Two, eating 500 calories is NOT easy! I had a headache and was a real grouch last night. Now, it could have been lack of sleep in conjunction with the lack of calories. What I got out of it was that once the initial shock of the quake wore off, and hunger sets in, I can see why there is unrest. Add to that the stress of trying to provide for someone else, maybe a child or an elder or injured relative.
And this is only Day One...

Thanks for reading, and if you haven't already, please click on the "follow" button to the right. ----------->>>>


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Starting today, I will be consuming what the average Haitian is consuming.

Starting today, I will be consuming what the average Haitian is consuming.

Before the 7.0 quake ravaged our neighbor to the south, Haitians living away from the capitol city of Port-au-Prince had a rough go of it. Many fought for survival. Many more do today. I cannot go to help these people if I do not feel their pain, their hunger.

Just reading stories of what they go through isn't enough for me. I have been raised in a country of privilege, with privileges afforded to me by my ancestors. Of course there are the "haves" in Haiti, but, unfortunately, the "have-nots" are the major majority.

If I were too hungry in this country, I could find something to eat. There are many who say, "We have our own hungry here, why don't you focus on them?" Because if someone is hungry in this country, there is a food bank or soup kitchen or homeless shelter to feed, house and clothe them.

How much do I have that is of my own doing? I had a head start with a great set of parents who taught me and provided for me. I started out on my own, and when I fell behind, they graciously picked me up, deserving, or not (usually the latter). I joined the Coast Guard out of High School and many opportunities fell in my lap, I didn't have to look hard for many of them. I married my sweetheart, had two great kids with her, own our home (or, I guess the bank own it), and have two incredible jobs.

I say all this to highlight how incredibly lucky, blessed, whatever you want to call it, I am, WE are. If you are reading this, most likely you are like me, doing your best to provide for your family, feeling lucky once in a while to live where you live. I know that I tend to easily take the basics of clean water, ready meals, and basic shelter for granted. It is so easy to say that I feel bad for the Haitian people, it is another, for me, to do something about it. I choose to go to help, I choose to eat as they do, I choose to feel their hunger and thirst.

Therefore, as of today, I am on a diet of 500 calories, nothing but water to drink, and some sugared milk for desert. I remember having the little Haitian children on board the USCGC Tahoma and, while slowly steaming toward repatriation and hunger, doling out one thing that brought smiles to their faces: sugared milk. The parents were in the background singing their soulful songs and having evening prayer services.

While on the subject, I do find it difficult not to mention the state of my spirit. It is tormented by conflicting thoughts. The group I am going with is from the Baptist church. My father, with whom I am going, is still very involved in his Baptist church, the same one I was raised in. I, on the other hand, took a detour that had me going in a different direction spiritually. Years later, when I realized that it wasn't spiritually healthy, I bailed. It has left a bad taste in our mouth for church, but it really isn't about all that, I am seeing. It's about my own relationship with God. And how I need to be close to Him. I am also resolving before all of you to take a deep stock of my beliefs, my heart and my life in these weeks leading up to boarding a plane for Haiti. I think I'm gonna need peace in my heart for this one. Peace and compassion.

Signing off,

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

WOW!!! The Humanity!

People keep surprising me! I was told today that all the money my hospital's foundation raises for the Haiti relief effort at the chamber meeting tomorrow will go to my mission (whatever that may be, still to be decided, etc)! It's amazing what you get by asking people! My cousin, who works in a local NICU, Emailed me about donating infant clothes, 20-30 pounds of it! I got a $50 check in the mail today and another inquiry where to send another $50!! I had a home infusion patient give me the leftover supplies now that her therapy is completed. It's been amazing, the response!

Please keep it coming!

Thanks, I am truly humbled to represent you all to the people of Haiti!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Humanitarian Aid Handed Out By Humans

Welcome to my blog. If this is your first time visiting, please sign up to follow, and I'll do my best to keep you informed of what I'm doing, what the Haitian people need and other ways you can help. If you are following this because you donated to the cause, then I need to say "thank you". But while I go for myself, I know that there are many of you who wish you could go yourselves. It's just not in the cards for you at this time. Trust me, I've been there. The time will come. You will be able to help. Maybe not in a poor country, maybe just your neighbor, a colleague, coworker, or a friend, down on their luck.

A bit about me, related to this particular trip at least: Last year, my father came back from Haiti, full of stories about the people there, what they did for them, etc. They went with a group associated with his particular denomination of Christianity called CONVERGE PacWest. I had always wanted to go and serve the lovely people of Haiti since I was in the Coast Guard, back in the early 90's. At that time, we repatriated a lot of Haitians, and through an interpreter, got to know a few before returning them to Port au Prince. I always felt horrible about doing that to a people that have no life in their own home country. I saw myself in their shoes, if they had any, doing the same thing.

My parents must have raised me right, because I still get a thrill from serving someone. I honestly can't point to a single event or even recall a single story pointing back to this trait. I do have memories of my grandfather serving people around him. In fact, it was my grandfather who correctly "prophesied" mine and my brother's professions at a very young age. My brother is a LAPD officer and I am in the health care field, working as a ER, Pediatric, and infusion nurse.

In December of 2009, my father called me up and said there was an opening for a trip to Haiti. I told him to sign me up and I would worry about the how's later. I didn't even have a passport. I started asking for donations and quickly donations started coming in. I used face to face, social media, and e-mails. So far, the response has been overwhelming! And this before the current devastating earthquake that added insult to injury.

We were to go and build a boys home in Maissade, Haiti. Maissade is a smaller village of about 43,000 residents. Most families live on around $200 per year. I spend more than that on coffee, and I don't drink much coffee. Two parent homes are not very common, but what is common is children living on the streets. A pastor there runs not only a church, but a girls home, a boys home, a feeding center and a school that teaches 300-400 students. Why a school? Because there is no such thing as public education in Haiti. Another cold, hard fact is that there were 380,000 orphaned children in Haiti. Before the earthquake.

We aren't sure what CONVERGE has planned for us since Maissade was unaffected by the quake and in light of all the devastation now apparent, but Lord knows, I am ready to go at the drop of a hat.

My wife would love to go with me but I told her that it would have to be after this trip, so I could report on conditions and we could go next time together. The kids would have to wait until they were older. We want to travel as a family. That can wait. This is more serious.